Salam sister

Welcome to our sisterhood

This is an space for sisters to connect, learn and reflect. This is a sisterhooh retreat. Religion, Self awareness, resilience, and growth. a group of women hora .

Upcoming workshops

Higher Education
March 14

Tawakul / تَوَكُّل

Understanding how to cultivate unwavering trust in Allah’s plan while actively engaging in one’s efforts and responsibilities.

Student Training
March 9

Sabr / صَبْرٌ

Understanding how to develop patience and perseverance in the face of life’s challenges.

New Lecturer Meeting
March 8

Shokr / شكر

Understanding how to cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for Allah’s blessings in all aspects of life..

March 18

Self-discipline / الانضباط الذاتي

understanding how to control one’s desires and actions in accordance with Allah’s guidance and teachings.

Salam Sister

Salam Sisters is a community created for Muslim girls to connect, exchange ideas, and deepen their understanding of themselves and their faith. Through workshops, mentorships, and retreats, we explore a wide range of topics, including mental health, emotional resilience, career and education, and self-defense. We also reflect on our online presence, discussing the impact of being constantly connected, addressing concerns around privacy and security, as well as the challenges and opportunities we face. Our mission is to build a community of strong, empowered, and resilient Muslim women. We are your sisters, and you are never alone. If you’re at work, we can remind you of dhikr. If you’re studying, we’re here to support you. If you’re reading the Quran, we can listen alongside you, and if you’re memorizing it, we can help you. Even during housework, we can be by your side to keep you company.

WOMEN Influencers Blogs

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